

Hey there! I’m Parker, a white, cis-gender, gay man trying to make yoga more accessible in my community.

There’s a lot to get out of yoga, but it can be an expensive practice. It also has a reputation for being an activity exclusive to those who are elite, skinny and flexible. But that’s not the case. Or at least, it doesn’t have to be. Which is why I’m committed to offering pay-what-you-can classes that are accessible to yogis of all skill levels.


Sign up for class

Take a peek at upcoming livestream classes and register to save your spot.


Class playlists

Students frequently ask if I share my playlists - and the good news is, I do! Check them out on both Apple Music and Spotify.


From private gatherings to community events, I can customize a class for you and your crew.

Yoga with Parker has been my best experience with yoga so far. He has a remarkable ability to hold space both in person and virtually. I feel safe and at ease to show up however I am that day and do whatever feels right for my body. He also has a great talent for verbal descriptions of the various poses so there is no need to see him which is especially helpful to me as a blind person. I highly recommend classes with Parker!
— Leah, MN